5 Important Tips for Working Remotely | Tenant Talks

When the pandemic started in early 2020, none of us could have predicted how much it was going to change our daily lives. Including the way we work. Before the pandemic, the majority of the workforce was working at a physical office or workplace. Now, however, the “office” has been completely redefined. 

Compared to the end of 2019, before the pandemic started, there are so many more remote workers around the world. The question is, how are remote workers staying productive at home? 

There are a lot of ideas about the best practices when working from home. We’ve gathered the five best tips that will help you to remain productive while working remotely. 


A Designated Workspace

Even if it’s small, it’s important to have a separate area of your home dedicated to where you work. A good designated workspace is a place that you can get up and walk away from when you’re done working for the day. 

Having a designated workspace will help you to separate your work life and your home life. If you work from your bedroom or your living room or any other common area in your home, the lines between work and home can get blurred very easily. 

If you aren’t able to create a full space for yourself, at least create some boundaries around the way you work. For example, if you have to work from your living room, sit in the same spot each time you work, and then move to a different spot when you’re not working. 


Set Boundaries for Working Remotely

We’ve talked a little bit about boundaries, which are extremely important when you’re working from home. There are a few boundaries you can set that help keep your work and home life separate. These boundaries have to do with workspace and time management. 

First, set a schedule that you stick to each day. Whether it’s the same hours you worked at the office, or a new schedule that’s easier for your current situation – either way a schedule is important. Don’t feel obligated to work over time just because you’re working from home. 

Next, designate areas of your home that are off limits while you’re working; any area(s) of your home that you want to keep separate from work (i.e. your bedroom or your living room). Once you designate the rooms, be sure to avoid working from them. Once you start working from your bedroom or living room, it’s apt to feel more like a work space than a living space. 

And most importantly, keep your family informed of your boundaries. While it’s much easier to set spatial boundaries than it is to create boundaries with your family, it’s still important to do so. Be sure to tell your family what your schedule is so they know when you’ll be free if they need you. 


Keep a Consistent Routine

A daily routine will help you keep to your work schedule even while working from home. Getting up at the same time and starting your day the same way each day allows you to be more productive. 

You can even stick to the same routine that you had when you were commuting to a physical office. Have your coffee, do a workout, take care of the kids – whatever it is to make you feel like you’re starting your work day. 


Create a Space That Induces Productivity

Invest in technology, furniture, and other items that will help keep your productivity levels high during the work week. In some cases, your employer will provide the equipment (and sometimes even furniture) that you need to be successful while working from home. 

Having the right equipment will help you keep in communication with your employer and your teams, increase your productivity, and allow you to easily do your job from home. 

If you’re not sure what exactly you need, ask your employer. If they haven’t already provided it to you, they can at least tell you what you’ll need to do your job while working remotely. 


Take Scheduled Breaks while Working From Home

Scheduling breaks throughout the day – and actually taking them – is especially important when you’re working from home. Don’t skip your lunch break just because you’re working from home. 

Try setting an alarm for your scheduled breaks. Set an alarm every hour or two so that you know when to take a break. Lunch breaks and stretch breaks are important to breaking up your day so that you don’t feel overwhelmed with work. 

Getting up and walking around throughout the day helps to keep your productivity levels high. It can also keep you from burning out.


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